Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How to motivate myself into boxing training?

There is a boxing school here in town. Ive trained a bit in the philippines so i got balance and a few combinations under my belt. I really need some sparring experience-the teacher said hed not put me in with a guy who'd knock my head off the first day so im not worried about that. Ive got the money for the training and the time now on my hands-HOW DO I MOTIVATE MYSELF TO DO IT? I took some Brazilian Ju Jitsu and Karate when i was younger and have used them (defensively) so im a confident person (but not arrogant). I get my girls in thailand and Philippines so im really not motivated to get into the local mix-besides im a student and cant afford the ride or the crib at this point, I know that i should take advantage of this opportunity while im still young enough to take a punch. HOW DO I MOTIVATE MYSELF TO DO WHAT I KNOW I SHOULD DO?

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