Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Ok so im an outside hitter and my hits keep going out i am snapping my wrist and everything and i pretty sure im getting on top of the ball.. any tips or suggestions?????

What NL Central Big 4 Would You Rather Have?

Brewers without a second thought. They are on fire now...Prince has 6 homers in his last 6 games, including two last night. Also, both Greinke and Gallardo have won 5 games in May (I believe that's the stat), and Gallardo is 6-0 in his last six starts. That's pretty darn good if I say so myself.

Would this worse case scenario be possible?

If all the reactors would all explode and cause a very large plume of radiation and at the same time the wind stream comes thru,picks it up and blows high levels of it all of it right to the u.s.? Is that possible?

What's the most impressive form of payment?

Either works. What diffference does it make if it is impressive or not. Main thing is you have money to pay for your purchases.. either paper or plastic. Right?

Can you take 2 pitchers in MLB and use them rotating for different innings in MLB baseball?

That strategy has been used in a game before, but always on a short term basis, usually part of an inning. Not for a whole game.

How's the situation in japan?

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Will swimming in salt water help with balanitis or bv vaginal infection?

im going to galveston tx to swim and i hear that the beaches have salt water and well i have balanitis and i heard that swimming in salt water will help balance the level of bacteria. and i also heard it does the same for BV the vaginal infection is this true or will it do more harm than good?? Somebody please answer!!

Can a pitcher change pitching hands during an inning?

the pitcher has been throwing right, a left hitting pinch hitter is inserted, can the pitcher change and pitch throwing left?

Having trouble adjusting to being a right side hitter. Help? (:?

I was a libero for YEARS. This past year, I got moved to outside hitter and did a pretty good job. Just as I got super comfortable with being an outside hitter, I get moved to right side hitter. My team has NEVER had a right side hitter (we have a small school, but we are gaining a stronger volleyball program, so we are learning lots of new stuff). Since we are just now learning how to use a right side hitter, there aren't many people at practice that know how to help me other than the two girls who played right side hitter on my club ball team, and they are on JV (I'm varsity) so they don't have alot to teach me. How do I make myself more comfortable playing right side hitter? Do I need to change up my approach a bit? How do I change up directions more on the right side? All help is appreciated! (:

If you live in the US, would you move to the Southern hemisphere to escape the radiation plumes if it got bad?

If the reactors keep melting, it will spew continuous amounts of radiation blowing East towards the US and beyond. If this goes on for months or years, nobody knows what impact if may have on human health. Worse still if there's a meltdown in the 4 reactors or there's a nuclear explosion.

How hard is it to balance college, work, and other extra curricular activities?

College should not be 5 days a week for sure. Which means that you can work part time on weekends or late evenings. Extra curricular activities/internship can be adjusted with employer by giving him option of unpaid employment.

I'm having some serious trouble picking up the pitch as a hitter?

I'm a 15 year old baseball player. I hit great in batting practice, but when it gets to the game, I have trouble recognizing the pitch in an at-bat like I do in BP. Also, my mechanics often become poor in an at-bat. I was wondering if anyone had any tricks that helped them in the past to pick up the pitch and decide to swing quicker.

Will I lose weight if I follow this plan?

Hi. Im a Personal Wellness Coach. For me, It;s very easy to lose weight. I weighed 149 lbs before, and now I lost 7 inches off my waists and 49lbs.I learned that we need to change or diet. I used Nutritional Shake Mix. It can give us 80cal.only per meal and 114 nutrients that our body needs, it has no fats, no cholesterol and it has low GI(Glycemix Index).Cutting calories is important. and I just want to share this because I have results.It help us to control our craving because it feeds our cells, not just our stomach. Our Nutrition Company is open in 76 countries in 31 years. Safe and effective for everybody. You can search my result at my facebook or call @ +639185071477 for more tips. . Maybe It can also help you.Godbless

At what point does a boxing ref. say enough?

In my life I've seen hitters just knocked out and keep hitting each other. At what point does a ref step in and stop it?

What kind of motorcycle to get?

Hi, I'm 17 a senior this year and my parents are getting me a motorcycle for graduation present before I go away to police academy to become a cop. I plan on a crotch rocket as I don't like the high handlebars like a Harley has. I'm a big guy, I'm 6'4 and 250 lbs and my girlfriend is like 5'3 120 lbs and I plan on taking her around on it some. So what's a big bike for a big guy? I don't care to buy new or used, I was looking for one around $5,000. I really like the sleekness of the Kawasaki Ninja, but what kind to get? I know very little about motorcycles, but I have rode ATVs all my life and regular bicycles so I don't think I'll have a hard time getting used to balance/clutch/gears. Any help is appreciated!!!

Should MLB hitters be fined for accidentally throwing their bats into the stands ?

No, of course not. If they did that, why not fine them for foul balls that hit fans? Some things cannot be helped.

Has any one any ideas how to deal with coat funk in an Alaskan Malamute?

I have been trying to research this online and with little information available. My females coat has not been blowing correctly and yes i have consulted the vet regarding this and further test are being taken next week. Her fur is breaking and coming out in bald patches and guard hairs are breaking and coming out also when coat coming out her soft undercoat is then coming out when plucked. She is also suffering from her tail not being able to raise up further than 45 degrees and not in her usual plume over her back. She has been prescribed anti-infamatries and pain killers so far and no improvement. Next week the vet will refere us to the Royal VeterinaryCollege in Bristol, UK for further investigation as she thinks it could be hormonal or thyroid function problems or even neurological problems. If anyone has any ideas then any info or help will be great, Oh one last thing she has not had any trauma to her tail as she is with me 24 hours a day and has not been out of my sight. Thanks to anyone who answers in advance thank-you xxx.

Buy or sell: Mark Teixeira is the best AL hitter?

Reason I'm saying that is because he has loads of power from both sides of the plate, and also he's the most consistent power hitter in the league over the past few years.

Which volleyball session should I take at camp?

Well both could benefit you but I would suggest doing the one you want to do or do the one you think you have more trouble with. I would think you could maybe ask if they have an overall volleyball camp that goes over everything.They are both equally hard but if you think you are pretty good at both of them I would do the one you like to do.

Was it an illegal search?! plz comment :)?

this is what happened it was 12pm on a weekend me and 3 other people all 16yrs old and the driver 19 were parked on a street with our lights on we pulld over too look at this pic we took on our cam. a cop happens to drive by and pull us over he cums up and we explain what we were doin, lookn at pics. he askes the driver to step out to talk, the cop opens tha door and withought asking to search the car picked up a random bag that was in the car opens it and finds a one hitter (parefenillia) so then hehand cuffs all of us calls for backup an continues searching the car, next he openss my personal school back pack looking through all my stuff, withough consent again and finds a one hitter box wih sprinkles of marijuana inside we all go to court were taking it to trialto see if it could have been an illegal search or not,what do you think? you think it was an illegal search or do you think we are wasting our time..?

How do i beat the 8th gym leader on pokemon soul silver?

Yeah Clair's a tough cookie to beat in that game, since she has Dragonair, and her dumb Kingdra I suggest starting with Gyrados using Dragon Rage (since it always does 40 damage), also the Beedril with Toxic Spikes will be very usefulm if lucky your Togekiss's Mentronome would help. If you used Beedril to use Poison spikes then sent out Pidgeot to keep healing itself with Roost, if any faint just sent out Krabby to faint then use another, you'll get it as long as you heal

Why do left-handed hitters have a "hole" in their swing?

I keep hearing about a particular location (thigh-high, inside) that is very difficult for a left-handed hitter to make contact with. Is this real, or just hyperbole? If it exists, why don't right-handed hitters have the same hole, mirrored?

Am I doing good on varsity for a freshman?

It's been a long time since I played HS ball. But your average and on base percentage are both good. I'd say you're doing pretty well for a freshman. Work on your fielding and maybe you'll become an every day player next season.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Will he ever be able to forgive me?

My husband and I have been living together for 9 years, 2 years ago I found out I was pregnant. It was unexpected but we were happy. We got married last year and had our son. Our son has brought so much joy in our lives everyday. We decided that I should stay home to take care of him. I left a job that I had for 11 years. But I was hiding a secret, I had $9,000 in credit card debt. I had been hiding this from him for 5 years. My husband became suspicious when he found a statement from one card with a balance for $3,000, I lied to him and said it was paid off. I told him I had no debt when he asked. When I left my job to stay home my plan was to cash out a rbap bonus account I had accumilated to pay off the debt. I didn’t realize I would not be able to do this for a year after I left the company. I struggled to pay the minimum balance each month not having a income of my own. But it was too late to tell my husband as I had already lied about it for so long. About 7 years ago he helped me pay off another debt. I just couldn’t tell him I had racked up another debt. He would never forgive me and never trust me again. It has almost been a year since I left my job and I would be able to cash out my account to pay off my debt for once and for all. Yesterday he found a statement I had hidden with the $9,000 balance and I came clean. He was furious and with good reason. He works very hard to provide for our family and is a great husband and father. We live a very comfortable life and he gives me money whenever I need it. He has saved over $30,000 for our future. He wants to use some of that money to pay off my debt. I don’t know if he will ever be able to forgive me, I don’t think he will ever trust me again. I don’t know what I should do. Will he ever be able to forgive me?

Should i drop ike davis?

he is out until past the allstar break and i have miguel cabrera and gaby sanchez also at 1B, but ike seems to be better than all the available hitters. hes also getting a gold's mustard bobblehead and i read somewhere that every met that gets a bobblehead gets injured or has a bad season. also im not gonna be near a computer from june27-august2 cause im going to south africa

Trade fossils in Pokemon white?

I can get you one at lv1 if you still need one. Send me an email if you still need one. My yahoo email is b_ry2929.

Rate my Pokemon Platinum team?

best team ive ever seen. after you win this battle girls will be jumping on your nuts left and right. i advise you get as many spectators as possible

Do you think Omar Vizquel will be voted into the Hall of Fame?

15 years ago he was a decent contact hitter and isn't too bad nowadays. He has stole a lot of bases and is an amazing defensive player, do you think his stats are enough to get him voted in and also when do you think he will retire from baseball?

How do I know if my Betta's read streaks are color coming back or stress? DX?

He's getting healtheir. You're doing a good job. He seems like quite the character. He'll be okay with a little cool water, just get as close as you can with the tap, but sure to use water conditioner.

Do I HAVE to eat after a run?

I just came back from a 20 minute jog (I'm a beginner) and I ate a healthy balanced breakfast an hour before I left and I'm never really hungry after a run but is it better that I eat something?

How to retrieve the last transactions of all items within a spread sheet which are of different dates ?

Supposing I’m using an excel spread sheet for a stock ledger that records the receiving and issuance as well as the balance of a series of stock items within the same spreadsheet. The transaction of each of these stocks items will be transacted at different times and at different dates. Is there anyway that I can retrieve the last transaction (which are likely to be from different dates) of all items within a single spread sheet report ?

Are the red sox the most classless team in the league?

Wow. Thats just wow. Obviosly he didn't hit two batters in one inning on porpase, they were both on cut fastballs!

How can i train my pokemon fast?

Depends on what you mean.You could train on Audino in pokemon Black-White.I know from experience they are great exp.

What is wrong with me?

Please answer my question, ok, so I get these bad headaches, I get nauseous really easily and the Nassau starts when I move my head a certain way, I have a horrible memory, I get this ringing in my ear, and sometimes lose hearing in one ear, I get lower back pain occasionally, and I can't balance very well. Please don't say go see a doctor, Oh and can sperm live in lube that has no spermicide, because two months ago I masterbated with my friends lube that she uses to have sex with her bf and I don't know how sperm would get in lube but just wonderin, and unless sperm can live in lube don't say your pregnant, because I'm a virgin, please help!

Hitting tips for Road To The Show MLB 11 The Show?

I mad a 1st baseman and im in the AA and ive spent all my points on contact and stuff, so i should be a good hitter but i am terrible at it my BA is .158, and i strikeout half of my at-bats, i play on the easiest mode with the slider set to the easiest mode for hitting and i am still terrible

Baseball situation question?

if a ball is hit to lets say center field and lets also say that the hitter is a speed demon and if you throw it in he is gauranteed to get home. Could you theoretically when the baserunner is between 2nd and 3rd base just turn around and throw it over the fence and he would just get to take third?or not?

What color(s) would compliment this fabric?

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Trade Michael Morse for Logan Morrison?

should i sell high on Morse? idk if i should be skeptical, he's a big dude at 6'5, 230 and he's breaking out this season. But if i trade him id get Morrison who is a proven young hitter who is doing great this season.

No Hitters in Extra Innings?

Has there ever been a pitcher in pro baseball (MLB) to throw a Perfect Game/ No-Hitter through 9 innings, but the score was 0-0, so it went to extra innings, but he was kept in and ended up keeping the no-hitter through 10+ innings while his team scored at least one, giving him the complete 10+ inning perfect game/no hitter?

The Australian Greens have got the Balance of power, what are your opinions on this Aussies?

im not real sure on this Q, but who else is their really.....but anyway, i reckon bring back K Rudd,

Mazda 626 steers to the right when accelerating?

its called "torque steer",,its because front wheel drives suck,,opps i mean they have differnt length drive shafts on left and right,,, so unequal power to L and R

What pokemon has the best moves?

On my Pokemon Pearl i have a Heatran and his best move is Lava Plume.If you have a Heatran what is his best move?

Is this a healthy/balanced diet?

For dinner I ate a small portion of rice with an egg as well as bean sprouts, cod and Chinese herbal soup with lotus root. Is this considered a healthy/balanced meal?

Can we use electronics during risk of a radiation plume?

mabey noncomplex small simple things such as clocks and cameras ect...things that use radiowaves such as cellphones, microwave ovens, radios,wifi,and the other wireless electronics will not function properly other than mabey in small radiation free pockets

Do baseball players ever intentionally strike out in order to prevent a double play?

It does make sense, but its one of those things that nobody will have the guts to do. For example it statistically makes sense to have your fast runners try to steal home because their success rate is higher than the rate of them scoring on a hit. But people are always afraid that "maybe that guy would have gotten a hit".

Questions about the radiation plume?

Will it reach the inland US or will it only effect the coast? I did read that radiation particles would travel across the Atlantic eventually - does it carry along water only? Is it a good idea to take the iodine pills? My multivitamin is a vegan formula and 100% of your DV of iodine (150 mcg) it says it's "from kelp" is that the same stuff?

I ask do you still believe radiation is good for you as you are all being told?

uhmm, if your so worried then just have extra iodine in your system. Take a kelp tablet once a day, thats what i do :)

Why are rays fans so stupid...?

I was at the game last night and you'd think they would have been nicer to the fans that bring in all their revenue since there are only like 400 rays fans that actually show up. So the rays get their 2 nd hit off Wakefield and i hear some guy shout "hey so much for that no hitter!" Really? Haha... And then later some guy is being super obnoxious and my brother finally tells him shut up and he's like oh really buddy? How many world series have you won? Uhm.... MORE THAN YOU?!? then he brings out the overplayed only been around for 11 years card. why would you even bring up the world series if you were just gonna say that? Lolol I hate the rays and their dumpy stadium! Oh and btw, we're still in first :)

What do you eat before you go jogging?

I usually go jogging in the morning 30 minutes after I have a healthy balanced breakfast. Or do you not eat at all?

Is this a good pokemon platinum team for the elite 4?

That's incredible, there's no way your team could lose, and by the way, teach your magmortar thunderbolt, cuz its not good to have all the moves of the same type. And also, Roost would be better for Staraptor instead of Fly.

When i use my deep conditioner, which says it improves moisture balance, it doesn't make my hair feel ..?

Try Aveda's Dry Remedy Moisture Treatment Masque. It makes your hair feel super soft! It's the only thing I'll use when my hair is feeling dry.

How much money would be left if i trade in my dsi to get a nintendo 3ds?

i have two questions 1.i want to go from my dsi to nintendo 3ds so im going to trade it in i have a stylus and a charger how much balance would be left over for me to spend 2.i lost my charger so i had to get a new one but the only one i could find was a multi charger thasat you had to put on adapters so you can plug it into ds lites dsi and gameboy would they still take that because they only take the dsi if you have a charger with it i will be trading it in at gamestop

Chemistry help pleaseeeeee ?

* Question 1. 1 gallon =3800ml. Density= Mass/Volume. So Mass= density*volume. so 0.78*3800= 2964 grams.

Are there still large oil plumes under the surface in the gulf of mexico?

Haven't heard anything on this in awhile. Is it even possible that they could have cleaned it all up? Is it still sitting there in the gulf? Was it dispersed throughout the ocean?

What Does Aladdin Mean when he says "Next time I'll use a nom de plume."?

In the song one jump ahead in Aladdin he says "next time ill use a nom de plume..." what does he mean?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Why isn't hockey more popular?

I have no idea why it isn't popular in the States. I'm from Canada so no complaints about popularity here :P I think it's the greatest combination of skill, athleticism, strength, speed, patience, smarts and finesse. No other sport requires each of their athletes to be good at such diverse categories.

Need some hardcore help with the elite 4 on soulsilver?

Hm well I suggest teaching one of them a fighting move (like Brick Break or something) to beat Karen. On Lance...dragon and ice type moves would be best. Though Gengar's Thunder is very helpful against his first Pokemon Gyrados. Training the ones with those types of moves would be a good idea also.

If i played hockey would i be good?

numbers and speculation mean nothing the only way you will find out is if you learn to skate then to hit the ice.

I really need help my batting swing (videos)?

you're swinging too much with your top half of your body (arms) get more drive from your lower half (hips) have a great start but you dont follow trough with your hips

I have a ford f150 92 I had to replace the value on the top of the tank last year on the front dual tank?

I have a ford f150 92 I had to replace the value on the top of the tank last year on the front dual tank because it was letting gas flow between the tanks and it worked fine but now the rear tank is pluming gas to the front tank so it will die if on on the rear tank but work on the front tank but you have to pump the gas to start it and it is a fuel-injected engine so I've asked many people about it and kept getting different answers can some one help me please!

Will insurance rates go up due to an accident not your fault?

Insurance companies don't need a reason to make you pay more heck they charge more because of a cars color so yeah you probably will have to pay more just prepare for the worst

Is this a good competitive pokemon battling team?

Pretty good, but remove Sneasel, as it's too weak defensively. How come you have evolved it into Weaville by the way?

My bf is suppose to give me 3k when he gets his money on his card but now its deactivated cause of fraudulent.?

He says he deactivated it for fraudulent purposes. He suppose to transfer the money on my card. He says when its transferred by the company it will be activated. He says the only way he can check his balance is to call the company. I asked if I could hear the amount myself but he keeps looking for excuses. Does this seem to add up???/

Are the red sox the most classless team in the league?

That is funny... 2 people get hit and its intentional. you crybaby yankee fans crack me up. just face facts that your team is not as good as the Redsox. Martin must be a wuss if he got hit by a bat to the face and did nothing. And as for Tex being need to recheck you facts .267 in the last 7 days is not hot 4 for 15 compared to Adrian Gonzalez 8 for 20 .400 avg.

My best friend only hangs out with her bf? ?

Wow, just sit down and tell her how you feel and whats going on. I dont even know her and i feel annoyed!

Please help me on my Pokemon Black team. Is it good?

Decent. My opinion is opposite yours. I would be satisfied with Serperior Simipour and Unfezant but I would drop Excadrill Haxorus and Chandlure. Get rid of Chandlure for Reshiram Haxorus for Volcarna and Excadrill for Kyurem.

Relocating mobile home pluming?

im thing about buy a 33 year old mobile home, it has 3 bedrooms and is not a double wide.master bedroom is ok in size butt the other two aren't.was thinking on creating an open floor plan bye tarring down some walls including the old bathroom and turning one of the other smaller bedroom into a new bathroom...what should i be concerned with when relocating sewerage ? do i need a certain pitch?a new vent stack ?the new bathroom will be on the other side of the wall where the kitchen is located now...

Republicans, what do you think the motive is for the Democrats wanting to end ...?

Reagan was a bad actor that you slaves all fell for & continue falling for with your current repub nominations. Clinton is a genius. Bush was simply unconnected to everyday people. You're on the money about the $$$. Fair pain----NOT ulterior.

Why do I have no energy at all?

You don't have enough iron and vitamin B12... I know you said that you got your blood drawn, but did you get vitamin B12 checked as well as iron?? you need BOTH for energy! you might want to eat some spirulina (sold at health food stores). it's a superfood that has alot of the B-vitamins in them and I personally have ALOT more energy once I eat that.

Why is my credit score so low?

A credit score is based on a 12 month activity and usually goes up between 5 to 10% per month providing you are paying on time. A fair score is 620/659, good is 660/749 and excellent 750/840. You should however have 2 major credit cards, one for every day use and one for emergency only.

What do you think???? opinions???? could this be published? give thoughts! it's short?

It really depends if you want to get paid for it. Poetry is highly subjective. One person can think it's terrible and another could think you're the next Sylvia Plath. Some magazines are selective while others are not. However, even if you're one of the best poets today you'll still probably not get paid well. Money is in books and even then it's difficult to succeed. Sorry to be a downer. The point is you should write because you like it and write because you want to share with others regardless of payment. Good Luck.

Japan's nuclear plant's radioactive plume reaches U.S.?

It is not going to reach the U.S. There's something called the Pacific Ocean that it would have to travel over and that is not going to happen. Even people in China are not experiencing deadly radiation or whatever.

Who are the top home run hitters of all time (non-steroids)?

not sure bout all time but im saying jose bautista the past few years. dudes been absolutely crushing the ball

Sue Bank For unfair overdraft fees?

I live in the State of Maryland and Bank with BB&T. I believe they exercised their right to re-order withdrawals from the highest to the lowest amount, rather than chronologically. And may post withdrawals before posting deposits. The bank manipulated my account balance by re-ordering my withdrawals so that they can generate a higher number of overdrafts because I am Opted-In. I went to speak to them and they will not remove any of the overdraft fees and want me to pay all of them. This is unfair and unaffordable. I was wondering if it is possible to sue the bank under the Consumer Protection Act for unfair practices?

My tenant cheque bounced 2 times in NOIDA, India.?

My tenant is staying in my house for 4 months and out that he did not paid the rent cheque and his last 2 cheques also return due to insufficant balance. Now he is not vacateing my house also. What I can do for the same?

What is the best free site for do it yourself, home improvements for pluming? i have a issue with a toilet.?

the toilet has been replaced now for about two months and every 10 to 15 min it makes a sound like water running, but the handle hard an you cant jiggle it, like when a normal toilet is running. also when this happens and im taking a shower, i get scolded so i hurry up a take my shower, then i listen to it all night long. Now the toilet in question is in the basement. an when it runs it runs for like 30 secs and stops an repeats itself every 10 to 15 min. please help. even if you don't know a site an you can just tell me ideas.

Rate my Pokemon Heartgold team?

it's an amazing team and you can easily beat the elite four if you haven't already but if you fight you mates or some thing there ways they can break through the defence easily and your lacking a few elements like bug grass pyhic steel and to many pokemon that know earth quake and not engough flying type to tie in with earthquake to make a killer stratgey

Grammar question on a practice SAT?

'than baseball's' should be changed to 'than that of baseball's' because you can't make a comparison to nothing

Texas food stamp question?

I have been receiving food stamps for myself and my four children. Last week I removed 3 of my kids from my case because they are living with their father right now. My benefits came in today like they do every month and when I called to check the balance, it hasn't changed. I'm wondering why the amount didn't drop? and will it change mid-month or something? Thanks!

How should I take it? And what should I tell my daughter ?

Guess you know how 50% of the parents feel now that she's not a starter. The coaches getting paid? They spending extra time in their life to "teach" others? Their kids are gonna get a little advantage. That's the way it works. You could always go volunteer to coach. I've been on both sides of it. IT'S A GAME! I just finished a season watching (not coaching) and the coaches daughter batted in the top 3 even though she struck out the most on the team. Oh well. He devoted more of his personal time than I did.



Question about credit card balance transfer.?

As far as I am aware you can but transfers are not free and you will usually have to pay a fee, normally about 3%

Why is Coors Field considered a hitters ball-park?

I was wondering why announcers and commentators always call Coors Field a hitters ball park. I mean Coors is huge, if u guys could tell me why I'd appreciate it

Sunday, July 17, 2011

All white cat with a plumed tail and hair growing out from between her toes does anyone know what kind she is?

She may be a Turkish Angora, Himalayan, Manx or Tonkinese. Is she a very playful cat? And is her fur long and silky?

Should The White Sox Try Getting A Trade For Dunn?

He's batting .173 and he's in the first year of a 54 million dollar contract. There's no way a team is going to trade for a player like that unless the White Sox pay about 40 million of the contract.

Who is your favorite NFL team's best All-Time Linebacker?

Chuck Bednarik is the clear choice for my Eagles. He was one of the last great two ways players, playing both linebacker and center, but he's better known for being a linebacker. Many stats such as tackles were not recorded during his time but he would have been a top 10 player in those. He was a ferocious hitter and gave fear into every other players heart. He was the leader of a Philadelphia defense that won the 1960 NFL Championship, handing Vince Lombardi and his Packers their first defeat in the Championship. Having said that who is your team's best linebacker all-time???

Is this a good pokemon team in soulsilver vs. Johto Elite Four?BEST OPINION?

ok first off you need to level everyone up more. and the types you need to beat the first guy is electric, fire or dark. then for the second you will need fire and physic or ground. then third you will need a flying or physic. machamp is the hardest. then for the 4th you will need a fighting, or water, electic,fire,and one dark. then for the last champion you will need electric,ice,and water. EDIT: their pokemon are level 40-50 no higher or less.

The balance in the Office Supplies account was $200. During June, office supplies costing $580 were purchased.?

On June 1, 2010, the balance in the Office Supplies account was $200. During June, office supplies costing $580 were purchased. A physical count of office supplies at June 30 revealed that there was $240 still on hand. What is the adjusting entry?

What is the ideal birthrate for a country?

To experience the maximum growth? I think it's a delicate balance and too high and low can have negative effects. Japan and Europe are low and are experiencing a decline in world power, while africa with a really high birthrate isn't quite getting anywhere. America is in the middle and South America is not too high but Higher than America and is experiencing decent growth. What do you think?

Help! Please rate my diet for the day. For Breakfast, I had a Subway eggwhite 6 inch on flatbread with cheese?

and for Lunch , I had a glazed doughnut. Dinner was tea with lemon. I know, I didn't do great, but I think the "light" dinner balances it. Thanks. Also, I normally NEVER get cheese on my sandwich, but this morning, I was just wanting a little splurge.

Pokemon soulsilver team - good or need editing?

Its a while since i played pokemon so i dont know where to train in kanto but both of your teams are excellent!

Pluming question kitchen sink.?

My boyfriend was running water in our kitchen sink and the faucet made a loud clink noise and now we have absolutely NO water pressure. The washer and the dishwasher and all other sinks in the house run just fine.. What could have caused this and what exactly could be wrong?

How to improve my jump and blocking in volleyball?

I'm a 15 yrs old boy, 5,7 and still growing...I'm Senior in high school and play volleyball for my school... I'm an all around player but my position in the team is a middle hitter (3). I became a middle hitter because of my quick plays and good timing in blocking.... my problem is i jump low, my reach are 8,4-8,6 in blocking and 8,8-8,9 in spiking... This coming months the try outs for college volleyball will start. What can i do to improve my jump and blocking in volleyball? Exercise?

Direct TV stole my money! Who can I contact?

We were late on Direct TV and they decided to take money out of every account we ever used without our authorization, and bounced 2 checks in the process. I put in a dispute with the bank, and they credited the account back temporarily. Then I called Direct TV, they confirmed the charges were reversed, and I paid the account in full, including the money they took out without our permission. Then a week later they charged the same account again, which again resulted in an overdraft fee and another charge. I DIDN'T OWE THEM ANY MONEY! Now they refuse to credit my account back the $35 until I show them my bank statements (which means give them my account numbers so they can take money again?). One lady (a supposed supervisor) told me we have a balance due next week, so they can take it if they want to! Anyone know of who I could contact for this (government agency, etc.)? I already tried the bank and they pretty much told me since we have an active account and it isn't free, they can take as much money as they want. Something really isn't right here. I already know the BBB, but their rating is already a D with thousands of unresolved complaints. Any other ideas? By the way, it is not the $35 I am fighting about. It is about the $160+ in fees I had as a result of what they did.

Im really good hitter , I had a phenomanal freshman year on varsity, and my sophomore year was horrible?

im really good hitter , I had a phenomanal freshman year on varsity, and my sophomore year was horrrible it just seemed like my hitting disappeared but i saw glimpces of it at times. I know how good i can be , and im not giving up until im back where i should be if anyone has suggestions or anything . id really appreciate it thanks.

Is setting or hitting harder in volleyball...?

It all depends on what you want to do in volleyball. Personally, I prefer hitting; I'm an outside hitter and I enjoy that because you get the crowd going when you get a really good kill. But if it weren't for the setter, that wouldn't be possible. Hitting is much harder to learn because it takes lots of time to perfect your approach and timing, but setting takes time to learn as well. You have to learn to be able to project it to where you want to go and make it precise so as the hitter will be able to, well, hit. Both are difficult, but both are rewarding. It depends on your goals with what you want to do. <3

Dosing off during lectures, help?

Chewing mints/gum or anything sour may help to keep you awake! Most people try caffeine! It does certainly help, but it wears off after a while. So, if you feel really tired, you can try grabbing a cup of coffee on the way to your lecture, and see if that helps! It may help you stay awake for the lecture, but a few hours later, you may find yourself being even more tired than before! But hey, it's the lecture that's important, right? :)

What's wrong with my mustang?

So it vibrates when I reach 30-50mph once I pass that speed it runs smoothly. I checked the air in the tires and I even balanced them and it still vibrates.. what can it be?

I am trying to find a good hands on lesson plan on the concept of weight for first graders?

I am teaching summer school and it is first grade math. We are doing measurement this whole week and I would like to touch and do a very basic introduction on weight, however, I cannot find a good lesson plan that will work. Most lessons want you to have a balance scale, problem is, I don't have access to one. I thought about having various objects and having them guess which one would be heavier and then lifting them up to see if they were right, not sure how successful that would be. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.

Yankees fans: Do you hope Derek Jeter stays out for a while?

Even though the Captain is out the Yankees, by way of history, have been able to step up and win no matter who is on the team...remember the Yankees have 27 Rings and counting...40 AL pennants...and a record of 134-90 in the world series...they are good with or without the captain...but it would be nice to have him back.

In continental collision, what causes plates to continue to move together?

a). AT the mid-oceanic ridges, magma from the upper mantle comes to the surface and forms new oceanic crust, enlarging the oceanic plates on either side of the ridge. This pushes the oceanic plates, and also continental plates at their edges.

Pokemon Heart Gold Elite 4 Help!?

You would definitely want to use a fighting type move but something with better accuracy then Focus Blast. You might want to consider a fighting type to reduce the damage taken by Dark Pulse. I would consider training at the Pokemon League and Victory Road. Hook up with some trainers who your number. But yeah you mostly need to level up though. Oh and be sure to spend your money so you don't lose any.

What are the chances of a supercell in the UK tomorrow and Saturday?

Thunderstorms are predicted because of the Spanish Plume but does anybody know what are the chances of a supercell developing or a thunderstorm with supercell characteristics. Thanks

Who are/were some defensive linemen who you would consider 'hard-hitters'?

ndamukong suh, haloti ngata, jared allen, kyle vandan bosch, dwight freeney mario williams, jay ratliff

Fantasy Baseball Keeper League Add Or Not?

Morse is beginning to heat up, he may be a good addition. Huff too, he had a 3 HR game a few days ago. But he has no more protection with Posey done.

What is the ending balance of retained earnings?

For all of 2007, Axel Company has $1 par value common stock, 200,000 shares authorized, 100,000 shares issued and 90,000 shares outstanding. The balance in Retained Earnings at the beginning of the year was $500,000. Net income for the current year was $300,000. If the company declared and paid a cash dividend of $2 per share on its common stock during 2007, what is the balance in Retained Earnings at the end of the year?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Will jose reyes(mets) start the 2011 all-star game at short stop?

I wish he does! He's my favorite type of player hit for contact and has speed players like him can turn does infield grounders into singles and maybe cause a throwing error for the defense. He has a good chance but I'm guessing that he doesn't have a huge crowd of people voting for him and unfortunately that's the case for the All-Stars you don't have to be good but you need to be popular. Look at the AL in field right now all 6 places are lead by the Yankees but not all of them deserves to be the starter. Anyway I voted for Reyes and I think he deserves to start and not only because he's good this year but also the great come back he made.

What is this small brown bird?

They are dark blue, the mum is brown with darker breast, and a plumed tail. The eggs are smaller than a quarter.

Can you please help me with this accounting question ?

A company sells leaf blowers for $170 each. Each unit has a 3 year warranty that covers replacement of defective parts. It is estimated that 4% of all leaf blowers sold will be returned under the warranty at an average cost of $30 each. During October, the company sold 400,000 leaf blowers. 800 leaf blowers were serviced under the warranty during October at a total cost of $25,000. The balance in the Estimated Warranty Liability account on October 1 was $12,500. What is the company's warranty expense for the month of October?

Where can I get feather plume headdress for my horses?

I am looking for red feather plume headdress for my holflingers for parades, can buy feathers but don't know how to attach to bridle.

Will playing in a slowpitch softball league have any effects on my baseball swing?

I was just wondering this because my friend really wants me to play in his softball slow pitch league because i play baseball. I have been a pitcher, but finally just started to focus on my swing for baseball wise to improve that so i can be a decent hitter and pitcher on my DIII college team. I am afraid it will hinder my swing and get me into bad habits since it is different. Let me know please!

Who would you rather have as the Power Hitter on the team?

Aaron, Pujols, or the Bambino, for both sheer power, leadership, and the fact that many of these other players have used steroids. Adam Dunn should not be on this list

Is it possible to gain weight without eating excess calories?

i'm getting help for an eating disorder.... i got into a bad routine of seriously undereating... i'm working on eating a balanced healthy but still low calorie diet.... i think i've gained weight however (5 lbs in two weeks)... is this possible or is it just water-retention or something?

Brown oily liquid on one hitter?

I was smoking out of a metal one hitter pipe that is colored to look like a cigarette. after a few hits I realized that the orange part (supposed to look like the orange butt of a ciggarette) had some brownish oily liquid on it that was coming off on my fingers and lips. it smells strong and chemical ish. and tasted bad. What could this be? also, just saying, i had held the lighter against it for a really long time. could it have just been the coloring melting? ive taken smaller hits since then and it hasnt happened again. (btw. no discussion on what i was smoking... lol)

Questions for heartgold?

Hey man use the website below it tell's you everything, and am buying a Nintendo ds lite maybe this friday with soul silver, would it be possible if you could give me a few tips ?

How tall is the average female right side hitter?

I'm 15 and 5'9" and I'm going to be a sophomore this next year. I made Varsity and I play right side. I just want to know if I am tall enough to play right side in college and if I will keep growing.

Can anyone tell me if it legal to burn a 3 peice suit of furniture?

around mid day, i was at work today and left all my washing to dry nicely out in the garden, when i got home tonight , the man next door had burnt an old 3 piece suit of furniture next door to me , i was told plumes of black smoke went high into the air ,and my washing was full of black particles, was that legal to burn that at that hour of the day , , thank you for reading this

Is JK Rowling publishing under a pseudonym?

She's talked about the possibility of publishing books under pseudonyms, so I wouldn't be at all surprised.

How to improve hitting off of live pitching?

I am usually locked in when I hit BP, but when I am hitting off of live pitching, I get nervous, and it seems like all my fundamentals go out the window. How can I try to be a better hitter in the game?

How can i make collage hockey?

Get good grades, do well on the ACT/SAT, skate well,know the game, and get your name out there by playing in as many tournys as you can...Hockey Night In Boston, etc.

Should I try switch hitting? What are the benefits and drawbacks? And what drills would help?

I'm going to be a junior next year and I've been playing baseball all my life. Im naturally a right handed batter and thrower. But I write, and play tennis/ping pong with my left hand. I've just always wondered if I could switch hit. I'm a pretty good right handed hitter so I don't wan to really screw my swing up but when I swing left handed people say it looks pretty natural. I just want some input

I need a filmer skateboard?

You just need soft wheels for a filmer board. Ricta makrs their Clouds in smaller sizes so you don;t have to get risers and new hardware. Larger wheels will make the ride smoother however

Where do you see WWE in 10 years?

I think the way Vince is running his business i see it at bankruptcy maybe in 10 years. I really do. I've looked at the company's fundamentals and earnings and i can honestly say annually and quarterly the company is going done the tubes. Less cash flow year by year, less earnings, less growth, crappy revenue, balance sheets and income statements to the crap hole, and worst of all WWE values it's company more than it's actually worth. 10 years ago the company was worth in the multi-billions today it claims it's worth 900 million but that's not even true according to their fundamentals. Seriously this PG era is going to make Vince go broke. If they continue with the PG thing and make it even worse do you see the company going out of business in the future?

Have you ever considered that NL no-hitters/perfect games are "less" impressive?

Disagree. NL pitchers have to worry about more than just pitching as AL pitchers have the luxury of sending someone else to hit for them. Also I feel the AL hitters are considered better when really the pitchers are weaker, and they all play in hitters parks. Where as Giants and Padres hitters numbers are so low because of the park they play in. Ask any hitter if they'd rather play in San Francisco or San Diego or even LA as opposed to Texas or especially the New Yankee Stadium (which is a joke)

Adam Dunn or Brent Lillibridge?

So I found out Brent Lillibridge is on the FA and also is Adam, Brent is a good hitter when in and dunn is strugling I dont know who to pick up I have a free spot on my tema

Cold turkey seizures from lamictal/welbutrin?

In november of 2010 I had to go cold turkey off my meds because my healthcare provider got into it with the university of louisville physicians so my doctor became out of network and I was too busy to switch to another doctor. Please no comments about you should never go cold turkey, it was out of my control. Anyways these past 3 months I have had 4, what I can only describe as vertigo esque total loss of balance mixed with convulsions a la seizures. I was on lamictal for 3 years and welbutrin for 8 years. I know these can cause problems upon going off cold turkey and am desperately trying to determine what is wrong with me. Any answers would be greatly appreciated.

What Football position could I play based off my info?

At the Nike High School combine I ran a 5.92 for my 40 yard dash.. I am 155 pounds, athletic, and a ok tackler, not very strong or a power hitter.. I can catch really good..and i'm good at juking defenders. I also have a VERY VERY slight cash of Asthma. What position could I play on offense or defense?

Is this normal, or is this weird?

This happens to me everytime I sit or lay down for a long period of time like and hour or so without moving. When I get up from sitting/laying for a long time I get really of balance and wobble around and my my sight goes black and then everything comes back normal in like 3 seconds. I don't know if this is suppoased to happen and it freaks me out. It just happens for like 3 seconds and then everything is normal again and it only happens when i get up and start walking after sitting or laying. Im not sugesting its a health problem or anything I just want to know if other people have this or if its not normal or what it is.

What do you guys think? (Please take the time to read the whole thing.)?

i'm sorry it's a bore to read i like poetry especially by Derick Walcot and i don't listen to rap and go like ooooooooooooh I'm more like yeah OK?

The levels of radiation plumes that will hit the US from Japan won't cause immediate death, but cancer instead?

Is that accurate? These experts say that they do not "expect significant radiation to hit the US". That's pretty subjective. Maybe the levels won't be "significant" enough to cause acute radiation sickness, but perhaps will affect long term health?

Smoke and burning smell from car heater?

you need to replace the heater matrix, the burning smell is the hot coolant being blown around by the heater motor, put the temperature switch on cold until you have it replaced

Is my little sister weird for her age?

She's five and she's always watching PBS and History Channel. She will sit down with anybody and talk their ear off about every war you can think of, especially the Civil War and WWI & WW2. This obsession started when she was just a little over two years old and she saw some documentary about WW2 and started telling everyone about "Hitter" and "Tuchill" (Hitler and Churchill lol). She sat through the WHOLE Ken Burn's Civil War documentary back to back and we couldn't even tear her away to eat dinner! My mom let her have carrots sticks and cheese and crackers in the living room instead since she didn't want to discourage her educational interests.

Would you trade rickie weeks for adam lind or adrian beltre? Need power hitters.?

As long as you have a good replacement Second baseman I would trade him for either one. Lind can play 1st and OF, plus he's a lot younger than beltre, but that only really matters if it's a keeper league

How do you feel about the fact that a Radioactive Plume is heading right at you?

Has this changed how you feel about nuclear energy? Are you concerned about what it means for the U.S.?

What string tension should i use?

I am buying a Wilson BLX pro tour, I'm 13 years old and varies in positions on the court but mostly I'm a baseline hitter. thank you please give me a range

Does he really like me or is it just only one thing for him?

Ive been talking to this guy for about 2 months now and we've been on a couple of dates and what not and we have a great time when were together. Im just really confused if he really likes me and wants to be with me like he says he does, or he's trying to do a one hitter or quitter. I haven't had sex with him, and he respects that but just like any other guy, once you both start getting in the mood...he tries to lead it to other things but i always stop myself. He's really nice and sweet to just scared to invest my feelings in someone if im just a conquest. I think its just too soon to even ask him whats going to happen between him and i.Worst part is, im really starting to like him and its scaring me. I guess what im trying to ask is, what are the signs or clues if he's really does like me and ends up wanting to be in a relationship with me and being honest what he really does feel towards me or just telling me lies and telling me things i just want to hear so he can just get in my pants?

Any hitting help? All comments appreciated!?

I have been a libero for a few years. I got moved up to varsity last year and did some hitting on the side but libero has always been my key position. I played club volleyball this past club season as an outside hitter and did a pretty decent job. Now, my coach switched me to an outside hitter for the upcoming high school regular season and I really want to take it seriously and do a great job. I'm pretty short, but I have a decent jump and a pretty quick approach. I manage to get the ball down pretty well and I can hit hard but I only hit hard by accident (lol!). I haven't figured out completely what makes me hit hard so I can do it every time. What do you do to make a volleyball hit harder? Also, I can hit pretty well anywhere except for the left corner when I hit. I always hit across the court, but never straight down the line. I know I can do it, but when I try I never do. Also, I'm right handed, but I want to learn how to hit with my left hand, too, because my setter sometimes hits WAAAAY too far outside and I can just barely reach. I can hit left handed but it's always a very soft hit and I have no control of the direction. And, any tips for blocking?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Fantasy baseball: Trade Advice?

id take it. hansons ERA is in the high 3s, he just K's alot of ppl. too much risk with the arm. rizzo im guessing will prolly need a year to adjust to ML hitting, lk most rookie callups do. tulu is on the verge of getting hot batting 400 last too series, and we kno how he is whens hes batting hot.. take it..

Anyone have a good baseball workout?

im 13 5'7 180 pounds im built pretty well i bench 155pounds. im a power hitter but i want to be better. does anyone have any good workout routines??

Please help me decide on a CAREER PATH!?

I really need some help figuring out what possible professions I should pursue. I am more-less a balanced-brain person. My greatest strength involves strategizing and executing. I like to mulit-task. I have to have new challenges come my way or I find myself bored easily. I am more of a visual learner and am not the greatest with numbers, however i Am able to effectively learn math, and use sequences. Naturally i feel i'm more of an instinctive person. Oh, and the last thing is that i am tremendously creative! Please help me if you know of ANY PROFESSIONS that i could suceed in. THANKS!!!

Who hit a home run and then ran past one of is teammates on base?

I think this happened within the last few years or so. I think it might have been the Baltimore Orioles. Does anyone remember this? If so, what is the ruling. Is the runner or the hitter out?

Does marijuana actually affect reaction time long term?

I have started smoking weed a couple months ago and was wondering if it can affect reaction time. For example, I play baseball and I can hit a fastball quite easily cause I can react quick enough and I have a good reaction time. But i was wondering if I smoke to much or to long will my reaction time be affected permanently and eventually become a worse hitter? Also, what are some other negative affects of marijuana long term?

I need a good nickname?

I'm on a softball team and each team member is supposed to come up with a nickname to be called by. My name is Kaisey, and I'm not good with nicknames. Do you have any ideas? I am an average hitter, but I want something kind of cool. Thanks!

Are any of these poems sonnets? Thanks?

They all seem to follow the sonnet rules (14 lines, alternate line rhyming except for the last two which are couplets, and they are written in iambic pentameter) i'm a little iffy about "Wounded Sparrow" but it does seem to follow the rules.

How long does THC stay in your system if you smoke occasionally?

I have a urine drug test on June 8th. I smoked every once in a while, like a few times a week, maybe less sometimes. I have a low tolerance and would be good after taking 2-3 hits of a pinch hitter if i smoked a blunt with a friend i would be gone after 3 hits. I'm 5'4" and 127lbs. I went cold turkey sometime in mid April of this year. I'm not super active but I'm not fat, the most working out I did was when I went to the gym for an hour and spent 30 min on a stair master lol. Will I be able to pass?

Pokemon soul silver: how to beat claire?

Level up your Gyarados to about level 40 or around there(make sure to keep ice fang)...also raise Flaffy to around the same level....the only one you might have difficulty with is Kingdra but for that just raise anything that has a resistance to it and just beat away at it's health.Hopefully it doesn't take long but just in case take a lot of revives and hyper potions.Hope i helped:).

If you threw a No-Hitter in a loss, would you still celebrate somewhat?

i watching the Jays-Royals game today, and the Jays scored their first run without getting a hit. it got me thinking, what if the Royals didnt score any runs and the no hitter continued (it only ended in the 6th) with Paulino staying in the game? the Jays would win 1-0 while getting no hit. so if you were, Paulino, would you celebrate? obviously you are not gonna get a chance to run to your catcher and give him a big hug. will you be proud of this accomplishment. will you be okay with getting the loss because you just recorded a no hitter? or will you take it hard, maybe call out your offense (and/or defense, an error allowed Adam Lind to reach 1st and eventually score the only run)

Has any pitcher thrown a no-hitter on opening day?

Bob Feller no-hit the Chicago White Sox on opening day of 1940. Only time it's happened in the majors.

Is it best to date and have a relationship when you're having a full life in terms of career and friends?

I read somewhere that having a full life is good for relationships because you don't become clingy to that person and therefore not suffocate your significant other. But then I ponder if that's the case, will it be hard to balance your career with your relationship?

AL All-Star votes are in right now. Is this a joke?

I agree with you 100%. This is why the fans need to stay out of the voting. There is no objectivity in the present system. It's a joke and Bud Selig needs to address the problem. Of course we all know that Selig is worthless and will turn his back on it as he has done everything else.

Should I start switch-hitting?

No way!!!! No you should not start switch-hitting. It will be a wast of your time if you start now. If you were 10 years old, then you would have time to work on it. If you are serious about the game of baseball, and want to go far with it, it's more beneficial to keep batting righty. Plus almost all switch hitters in the Major leagues started hitting lefty, and then moved to hitting righty. Trust me, it is way more easier to switch from lefty to righty than it is righty to lefty. All you need to do is focus on your right handed batting. If you start lefty now, that is taking away time from you improving your right handed swing. And since you are in high school (I hope), baseball is starting to get real competitive and you don't want to do anything that could damage your talent. And no, practicing lefty will not help your right handed swing in any way.

What is the ruling on this play?

bases loaded, hitter hits a HR but the man on the 3rd wasn't sure if it was gone and base runner on second runs into the base runner on 3rd...

Do I need to call a repair person for this?

Have you tried removing all the racks and then pulling up on the pan that separates the oven from the burner area. Most of the pans come up and out rather easily. Taking the back off will give you access to practically nothing. There is a wall of insulation surrounding the oven . Removing things that you are not familiar with is a pretty sure way to guarantee that the next call you make will be to a repairman to put it back together and/or replace what ever you broke taking it apart.

What do you think of my short story?

wow your really good i loved it if your going to continue please tell me where your posting id love to continue

Would you rather have Reyes, or Beltran?

Remember, Reyes is in the last year of his contract, which is why he's trying this year. Once he signs a monster contract, he'll go back to his mediocre ways

Jorge Posada no longer 1st team catcher?

Why hasn't he been in the catcher's position recently?...only seen him in stint of pinch hitting/designated hitter..

Trying to put together/find a cheaper version of this outfit. any ideas?

Critique this short poem. Thank you?

It is very deep and interesting. Something that definitely makes you think and wonder what the poet was thinking about as he wrote the poem! I like it i think its kind of edgy and mysterious.

How long will a container of milk replacer last, please?

Well as long as the kitten has a plump belly it is probably getting enough from the mom. It is hard to say how long it will last you but they don't take very much at a time when they are this little- less than an ounce each feeding. As your kitten grows though it will take more and more.

Can't remember Soccer MMORPG game.?

I played this online MMORPG-styled soccer game like a few years ago. The graphics weren't so realistic but more cartoony. You could buy, trade, sell, level up players throughout the game and with players around the world. The players had 3 strengths: Striker, Defender/(tank), and something else i cant remember who would run fast... and if the player had fairly high and balanced strengths, they were considered to be an 'elite'. So basically, you could play soccer matches and train but also manage your team. Another thing, the Defenders were BIG, slow, macho-looking avatars, asides from the other two positions who were faster and thinner. Remember, it was not a realistic-graphic looking game like FIFA. So if anyone could give me some names if they might know what game i am talking about please answer. Thanks -John

This site shows that the radiation from the japan explosion comes to the USA?

Probably. There's still fallout from the above ground testing days flying around in the upper atmosphere, I'm sure there will probably be a small addition from this event. I'm not going to worry about it very much. I'm much more worried about some idiot on his cell phone running into me. That's something that will actually harm me.

Rent from unit V Income from wages?

Is the tax formula as simple as this: Total rent from unit + total wage income LESS costs of purchasing said unit, less expenses incurred i.e. dishwasher repair, keys cut less Real estate management fees etc . Once that total is derived then you pay tax on the balance. This is for Australian Taxation purposes

How can I remove the flash hitter to silence my JG M4A1?

Ok so I really want to know how I can remove my flash hitter and equip a silencer to my JG M4A1... I don't want to take the whole gun apart and I am wondering if there is an easy way to remove the flash hitter to expose the barrel so that I can silence it. Thanks

Can a mechanic put a lien on a car and/or sell it for non payment?

My husband took our son's car to the mechanic for repairs and now doesn't have enough money to get it out. Can the mechanic put a lien on the car and/or sell it? I want to make a partial payment and make arrangements to pay the balance, but the mechanic wants payment in full. Any suggestions?

How long does it take to get anticipated financial aid?

I take online classes. After accepting my financial aid offers. How long will it take for the money to actually go to the school. Right now on my student account it shows my balance and Anticipated Loan.

Peacock themed bedding?

I want bedding that is peacock themed or colored. I can't seem to find any!!! I love to have bedding with the actual peacock plumes but just the main color scheme woul be great

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Next doors boiler flue dischages in bedroom?

contact the emergency gas services NOW! who will bring out an instrument called a sniffer tell the neighbours this is illegal and to contact there landlord straight away as a grave error has been made a little boy in west yorkshire died as a result of a neighbours flue and a campaign was made by his mum i dnt remember the name but act NOW! XX

My state and Federal Tax was intercepted , State was returned , but not Federal?

My state and Federal Tax was intercepted due to Child Support Arrears , after the owed arrears was balanced to $0 I was send the the balance of the Income for the State , Now since Feb 2, 2011 when the tax was intercepted I was unable to retrieve my federal Tax , when call the State that intercepted it , they keep saying they cannot share any information on the case with me , when I ask New York to contact them to return the money to me all I get is that they are putting in a request for the money and i should keep waiting , How can I get my money and why do I have to wait over 5 months for money that they intercepted in 7 days?

Would you comment on this poem?

I thought it was interesting. very fortunate i have the opportunity to stumble upon it. it really paints a vivid picture of someones final moments. with simple words you illustrated a thought that sticks. thats a great skill and as sad as I felt reading this, I enjoyed how well it was executed. thank you.

Beating the elite 4 in heartgold?

Sorry to tell you this but at the least you need them at lv 50 probably 55 and even then there's no guarantee you'll win. Btw give ampharus special moves not attack and take surf from gyarados because he is an attack guy- good luck , you'll need it!

Is this a fair trade?

great idea to move pineda that dude will be found out soon enough....yeah he is awesome but thats how things go with new rooks so your doing right......and to get back a talent like ellsbury will be brilliant so i think this is a fair and good deal for you.....glad you didnt take his other offer, what a joke that was.....all the best

Im confused on which girl I like. Please Help?

Ok so for the past year, I have been in love with this girl named Samantha. Im 14 btw. Like she was the reason i would get up and go to school. I thought about her everyday.I loved her more than everything. Everyone in the grade including her knew that i liked her though. But i never asked her out because I was afraid of what she would say. Then yesterday I went to six flags with my friends jake, nick, and jenna. Both jake and nick go to my school and jenna goes to another school but is going out with jake. Jenna brought her friend audrey, who is really pretty and cute. She has really nice legs, gorgeous hair, and is so funny. I love her laugh and everything about her. Then she sat behind me on a water ride, and we came to a sudden stop and jolted forward and she slid up against me and hit me on accident and was laughing. Then after we got off another ride that I sat with her on, we were walking to get something to eat and i hopped up on this curb and was walking along on it and trying to balance and i turned around and saw her do the same exact thing. When we were walking she asked me what highschool i was going to and i told her and she kinda got excited and said "OOO really? I'll see you then, Im going there"!! But the thing is i love everything about Samantha and Audrey. And I think theyr both beautiful and like both of them for their personalities. But i have been thinking about Audrey more. And the thing I like about Audrey is that we both kinda have the same personality, like were both a little quiet. I confused about who I like now. Ever since I met audrey, shes all I think about. Im kinda depressed on this for some reason, I have no reason why though. Like I dont know which one I like? I used to think about Samantha every day and I would do anything for her and I still would but now i think i might be falling in love with audrey. Im so confused right now. I might like both them but i dont know what to do. I know this is a stupid question, but please be honest. No bs answers please. Thanks

Should people in the US flee to countries that aren't in the path of the radiation plumes from Japan?

Radiation has already reached hundreds of miles from the nuclear plant with just a small leak. If there is a meltdown in 3 reactors, it will be the wost nuclear disaster this world has ever seen, and the radiation will be forced eastward into the US by the Jet Stream. Maybe not levels that will lead to immediate, acute radiation deaths, but definitely cancers and long term health problems.

When i try to do random match up on wifi it says there's a problem with my Pokemon. whats happening?

Your not allowed legendaries in random match up. you can bring a team of 6 but can only select three for the actual battle.

The Sims 3 EA Cash Card?

I got a $20 EA Cash Card at Walmart thinking I could use it for but I think I was wrong and wasted my money. I had no problem redeeming the code, but now on it says my EA balance is $20. Can I make that into sims points? Or is it for something else entirely?

Does anyone think japan has considered that this may happen?

Has anyone considered if all the reactors would blow at the same time causing a very large plume of radiation and at the same time the wind stream blows thru,picks it up and blows it right to the u.s.? not worried about it,im not scared of death,im just curious to know if its possible and if anyones considered this may happen

Iron (III) + Iodide. What happens?

I am working on an unknown solution lab. When I mix Iron (III) and Iodide together it forms a dark orange-brown solution (complex I'm assuming). What is the balanced equation for this reaction, and what exactly is happening?

What should I switch for Lugia?

Switch with togetic...lugia learns similar moves n plus ur togetic doesn't have HM moves so u don't necessarily need him

NOW are you convinced that nuclear power plants are a bad idea?

No, actually, this shows how safe nuclear power actually is in tectonically stable areas. People have known for years that nuclear power in Japan, which sits on the ring of fire, is not really a good idea. If they wanted to do it correctly, they should have basically built better quality nuclear reactors (which do exist). But, I am sure they cut corners, to save money. That's the Japanese way. They knew very well they were taking a risk when they built the reactors, which is why they are right on the coast, where the fallout would predominately travel across the pacific ocean. Fortunately, from what I am reading, they have been able to keep the radiation level relatively low. (Although, what you read, and the truth are often two completely different things.) Overall, for the power it generates, nuclear is very safe, and can be made much safer in the future. So, again, my answer is no.

What will happen In MLB 2k when the Yankees ambidextrous pitcher makes it to the big leagues?

How will he be able to switch hands? Will he or the switch hitter get to change hands in the at bat? Ect what will happen?

Am I ready for the Elite Four in Soul Silver?

The team is good, but what I would do to not lose any money and gain more experience, give all of your money to your mom, and challenge them over and over again. Since you don't have any money on you you dont lose any, and then you might be able to beat the elite for by accident, thats what happened to me. You should just train your party a little more.

How to defeat red in soul silver?

you are going to need to level a lot. All his pokemon are in the 70s so once your typhlosion goes down you will get crushed a lot.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Is the end 2013 & not 2012 as Fukushima radiation begins killing off the entire planet, CNN news suggests?

People are just sticking their heads in the sand and refusing to look at what is happening. Thank goodness CNN is covering this because nobody else is.

How can i get a softball scholarship?

im in 8th grade heading to ninth grade this year. But one of my main goals is to get a scholarship in softball. But i dont know how to get one. I do have good grades. I study hard, I practise hard, im just inlove with softball! I have actually been playing little legue softball for not to long... but people tell me im really good and my coach tells me im his second best strongest hitter. Im not afraid of the ball at all. Rite now im 4th in the batting order and i usually play 3rd base, all outfield (mostly center). i started off as second, then SS, and now 3rd base. But now i play a little bit 1st base because one of our players got injured.these past games ive got on base every time and havent struk out in the past 7 games. So just tell me what u think and how i could get a scholarship. thank youu. byw im 14 turning 15 in november.

What are some games like wizard101 i like wizard101 because u get to level up go on cool adventures.?

There is so much stuff that is fun about wizard101 you can get cool pet control ur character with ur keyboard and u get to be in way cool classes.For example im in the balance class and we have cards of are own just like all the other classes do.It would be very hard to find a website like this magnifisent oe but could u help me find one.

How do I balance out my pecks?

I do regular bench, narrow bench, incline and decline bench and my left peck is bigger than my right! why is that. 1) im right handed so you'd thing that arm would work harder at least and 2) i can't even push the weight up with one arm so it shouldn't work one peck more than the other right??

Credit card help...does this mean...? - try this one to provide such info about credit cards and compare their features.

Is this a run (baseball)?

If there is someone on second and the hitter hits it into the outfield. After the person at second scores the hitter gets thrown out at second. There was two outs when the hitter was at bat. Does the person point still count?

How should I repair my toilet sub floor joist?

I have a bathroom with water damage from a toilet that was leaking. Now that I have removed the tile, sub floor and wood floor, I found a floor joist underneath that has water damage and believe it should be repaired / reinforced. The dilemma is the lack of clearance on both sides of the joist - drain pluming for the toilet on one side and the water feed and air duct work on the other making it almost impossible to attach the reinforcements. Will the toilet position just have to modified after the reinforcements are established? The toilet would have to sit out 4-5 inches from the wall which may look a little strange. I also have water source and electrical wiring going through the joist. A very busy area. Any ideas?

Should i continue or no?

Ive been playing baseball my whole life, i love it. However, lately ive been doing terrible, striking out everytime, ive always been a great hitter, but lately i just dont have you think this is a sign that its time to quit? Ive always had dreams to be a major league player, (dont all fo us! ahah), but i mean, the main question is, should i chase my dream?

Have you had a friend who talks about themselves for most of the conversation every single time?

OMG YES!! everyone does this to me. whenever i catch up with a friend they just talk about them, like the whole time. they talk about their jobs, their relationships/sex lives, their family, their feelings etc. thats totally fine, i mean i love listening to people, but when i try talk about me for w little while, it's like they cant handle it, and HAVE to start talking about them again. its frustrating and yes draining is like the pefect word. its happened to me since i was a kid, my best friend did it, and even my teachers! my teacher would just walk over to me and be like "my son is moving out, i have bills to pay, and im stressed" and then im in at lunchtime having to talk to her about it more. same thing happened to my mother, and it used to drive her insane too. theres not much you can do to avoid these people, except perhaps watch out for the early signs when you get to know them. how often they mention themselves etc.

Could I be a starting 3rd baseman?

I have played baseball for about 8 years. I missed last year with a hip injury, I had to have two surgeries on it. Now the doctor said I can play and I chose 3rd base for my desired position. I have good reflexes, I can catch a line drive that is coming right towards me. I am decent at stopping balls, I am not that good at handling short-hops but I usually block it with my chest. I am very good at handling pop-flies. I played outfield most of my baseball playing. I can throw accurately, sometimes when I throw to 1st the ball will be short. The year before I was hurt I batted a .365 batting average, I usually hit doubles. I am not a power hitter but I can get a home run. This is for my Freshman Team. I am already starting 3rd base for my other team, which is the JH team. They just chose some random people to play for them. So do you think I can start 3rd base for the freshman team?

Do I have potential to get a Master's?

I work really really hard in school I do my homework but in Algebra 1 I'm struggling because I never understood or knew how to reduce fractions, I know I'm gonna suck when I get Pre-Calculus in the 12 I'm in 9th. I get just about all B's and C's. I go to Technical high school. I get my shop pluming in the 10th. and I want to go to Technical trade college for plumber and get another degree and double the money I get. I mean I really want to go to Thaddeus Stevens University Of Technology

What is a good do it yourself website for pluming? or maybe someone can help.?

well i had someone replace a toilet in my basement about two months ago an ever since it makes noise like its running, it dose it like every 10 to 15 minutes, an sounds like it running for like about 30 seconds. when i take a shower i get scolded because the water gets super hot, im tired of it, please help.

Is Derek Jeter currently in a 219 game slump or is he just washed up?

haha this made me "lol" but a .267 ba really isnt bad, but for jeter its just not like him. yes he is getting older, but he is still jeter, im sure he'll heat up in the second half of the season as most greats do when in a slump.

For people who live in the Southern hemisphere, will they escape these radiation plumes coming from Japan?

Weather in the atmosphere never crosses the equator ! So, thank the what ever you worship down there ! YES !!!

How to stand on you tip toes ? (:?

Okay so i'm not in ballet but i used to cheer lead, i know its nooo where near ballet but i am flexible and have good balance. I was just wondering if you can learn how stand on your tip toes without a ballet teacher and the right shoes. I know it will take longer, i just wanna know. If i can could you please give me tips or stretches that can help me achieve it. Thanks (:

How to motivate myself into boxing training?

There is a boxing school here in town. Ive trained a bit in the philippines so i got balance and a few combinations under my belt. I really need some sparring experience-the teacher said hed not put me in with a guy who'd knock my head off the first day so im not worried about that. Ive got the money for the training and the time now on my hands-HOW DO I MOTIVATE MYSELF TO DO IT? I took some Brazilian Ju Jitsu and Karate when i was younger and have used them (defensively) so im a confident person (but not arrogant). I get my girls in thailand and Philippines so im really not motivated to get into the local mix-besides im a student and cant afford the ride or the crib at this point, I know that i should take advantage of this opportunity while im still young enough to take a punch. HOW DO I MOTIVATE MYSELF TO DO WHAT I KNOW I SHOULD DO?

Can your astrology effect your mood during certain lunar phases?

I had mood problems as a young teen when my emotions were already running high from traumatic experiences, and I'm a cancer. The psychiatrist I had to see for a short time said I was undiagnosable but put it down on his notes as bipolar I. I notice that when there is a full moon, I get either really excitable and hypomanic or really difficult/distraught depending on what's happening in my life, but the less moon there is the more productive and mellow/balanced I'll be. I am similar to a bipolar person, but the doctor told my mom I couldn't possibly be that, do you think I'm just effected by the phases of the moon since I'm a cancer? I have a very neutral personality, and if I didn't I think I would be completely crazy and unable to function.

Japan nuclear crisis: radioactive plume to hit US within 24hours?

A UN expert, as reported in the New York Times has warned that a radioactive plume threatens to hit the US on Friday, although posing no health problems and it will then reach Europe within the next few days. Does this crisis threaten to go global? What's the ABSOLUTE worst case scenario?

Calling all cheerleading flyers!!?

I need help with single leg stunts.. I seem to not be able to even stand in a single leg let alone pull a skill in the air. I go up and come right back down. Is it my fault or is it my group? What are good ways to keep balance? tutorials, videos, pictures would be a great help!!

Who has the better rotation, phillies or yankees?

NOT EVEN A CONTEST.....AT ALL i mean you got the BIG 5 in Philly....Halladay, Lee, Hamels, Blanton, and Oswalt......Yankee's have Burnett and thats about it, Yank's gotta acquire more powerful pitchers and we will see then!

George Foreman hardest hitter in boxing history?

Probably the most freakishly strong heavyweight ever, but he'd tend to destroy you with a few punches, rather than one. I think there were harder one punch hitters, like Marciano, but in terms of pure strength and power, big George was a monster!

Softball Bats for Slow Pitch?

I am getting back into playing slow-pitch softball and need to get a new bat. I don't have a lot of money to spend on a bat so my budget is about $100. I wanted to get a good solid bat and need help picking one. I am about 6' and weigh about 235 lbs. I have never been a huge power hitter but do have some power. Thanks fo any advice or recommendations.

In baseball, what is the difference between a perfect game, a no hitter, and a shut-out?

A perfect game is nobody reaches base. A no hitter is when people can reach base but their can't be any hits. A shut-out is when the pitcher doesn't allow any runs.

Are Gulf Coast beaches safe from oil spill this summer?

Ok, so here's the deal. I've planned a vacation to Pensacola in May. I've also heard rumors of thousands of people still getting sick bc of the chemical residue from dispersants and remaining oil plumes. Does anyone have any info on this? I.e. Have become ill, know someone who has, have been warned by credible/knowledgable person, etc. I figure anyone but the public would lie in this situation.

How much trouble would I be in for if i didn't pay my phone bill ever?

I'm about to switch to Verizon Sunday and don't want to pay any remaining balances. How bad would this affect my credit score? Anyone have experience with this?

If the US gets constant plumes of dangerous radiation traveling in the air from Japan, when would it be safe?

The Jet Stream travels straight from Japan to the United States. If there's a constant flow for maybe years of this radiation (long lasting Cesium), and a lot of it, when would it be safe to return to the US again? I heard it could be years and years until the reactions stop and decades until the long lasting radiation decays.

Which baseball bat is better for power hitters the 2012 demarini voodoo or the 2012 lousiville slugger exogrid?

I want to know which bat is the best out of these 2 cuz they are both $300 and that's my price range for a good hitting bat so plz tell me which bat is better for power hitters cuz that is what I am

Do people in the US. really Need to worry about Radiation plumes from the Fukishima Reactors?

No risk you will be just fine. I am somewhat of a old person and still here after all the Nuclear testing back in the 50s and 60s they were open air A bomb and Hydrogen explosions and they were right here in the U.S.

Dog has smelly/over active anal glands!?

I have a female (fixed) golden retriever/maybe irish setter mix, about two years old. She has a very strong anal gland odor, I empitied them once externally and they were very full but i used some pretty firm pressure. She goes a while without stinking but if she has any supplements and certain foods make them act up again. I feed her Natural Balance Lamb and Brown Rice L.I.D. So good food, also, I have been giving her a prune once a day- whole wheat bread if i want to. I gave her raw chicken as treat but i don't give her anything else really. Why is she so stinky??!! I don't know how to keep this from being so gross- i have read to try your best to get the glands to express on their own, it may cause more harm than good to express them yourself too often.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Do you think my moodiness could be caused by the phases of the moon?

I had mood problems as a young teen when my emotions were already running high from traumatic experiences, and I'm a cancer. The psychiatrist I had to see for a short time said I was undiagnosable but put it down on his notes as bipolar I. I notice that when there is a full moon, I get either really excitable and hypomanic or really difficult/distraught depending on what's happening in my life, but the less moon there is the more productive and mellow/balanced I'll be. I am similar to a bipolar person, but the doctor told my mom I couldn't possibly be that, do you think I'm just effected by the phases of the moon since I'm a cancer? I have a very neutral personality, and if I didn't I think I would be bat-**** crazy and unable to function.

What's with all this hype surrounding Starlin Castro?

You make a valid point, but you hit the nail right on the head! People hype this guy up because he's so young! He's obviously not ready defensively to be in the Bigs, but he can hit pretty dang well! You also gotta remember he's on the Cubs. They are the worst team in the league and I'm sure its hard sometimes to motivate yourself to go out and play.

Do you see any correlations from all the strong earthquakes & volcanoes throughout the world?

How is Eyjafjallaj�kull Volcano doing in Iceland? I heard of one in Chile that was probably greater? How are volcanoes rated in terms of their plume... ash? Will earth become cooler overall because of these volcanic eruptions? Invest in other natural resource power source, but not solar since sun might be hidden for quite awhile. If no more eruptions occur, how long will it take for earth to see the sunshine more directly & frequently? Thank you for your expertise on this one!

What about the Yankees bringing back Melky Cabrera?

He had been a clutch hitter for them and he is perfect for what this Yankees team needs a solid situational hitter. Even though Swisher has been hitting better lately, Cabrera has been better ad more consistent than Swisher. In fact Cabrera is on pace for 20 homers and 93 RBIS. They can platoon Swisher and have him face lefties while Cabrera faces right handers.

Did i eat way to much today?

That's not even a lot..actually you should eat more. That's like what I eat every day and sometimes more and I'm pretty skinny.

What's wrong with me?

im no therapist, but i'd say some type of depression...or a fever or related illness, if you know you're not depressed...dont take anyone's word for it except the doctor's

On wikipedia it says..?

No you can't add another one, sorry- "allows two GeForce 6 cards of the same type...6500 and above."

What is the footwork for a rightside hitter in volleyball?

your foot work is very easy. your feet go left step, right step, and left step, jump and hit. at the lat two steps(right left), your feet should be next to each other so you can have a strong jump. also, if you are hitting from the right it would be easier to hit from he left or middle then the right side of the net.

Why do coffee machines use paper filters instead of reusable metal ones?

Americans don't shop intelligently at all. At. All. So, yeah, any consumer would save $$ in the long run by buying a metal filter and never buying the paper, but most don't know about it and the rest are too lazy to be bothered. Welcome to the U.S.

I can't beat the elite four on soulsilver?

I would say your best option is to do the replacing of lugia into your party but also level your pokemon up a little bit more. I know if you had around level 50+ you should be able to take them.

If the Japanese nuclear reactor goes into the complete meltdown, which countries would be in danger?

I am not sure the ken and barbie news service are able to accurately report whether or not a reactor core is melting down and uncontrolled.With all due respect to these two atomic scientists (ken and barbie) I don't think we would really know how lethal or non lethal any amount of radiation leaked is until people start dropping dead around us . . .or not.

The volleyball coach will not let me play any other positions!!?

So I'm going into high school and I've already been playing club vball for 3 years. We haven had tryouts for HS volleyball yet but we have had open gyms and the coaches are there watching. At the first one we had a setting drill and this one girl goes "ugh I hate setting" so I was just like "oh I think it's fun" and the coach heard me. I think she mistook that for me being a setter, which I'm NOT. I'm really good at attacking. I love attacking so much (especially outside) and I'm really really good at it. But when we did the attcking drills the coach told me to set for them. I didn't even get to attack. I'm not the best at setting either so she thinks I suck now. And I don't want to sound like I'm talking back to her or anything so I just do what she says. But now at every single open gym she makes me set for all the attacking drills. I'm worried that at tryouts she might make me set for the drills and she wot see my full potential. What do I do to let her know I'm in no way a setter an that I'm a hitter? Thanks.

Does anybody how much it would be the cost for the pluming? I am want to install a toilet in my garage.?

Its one of those old house that are off the ground and the garage is on the slap. So the drainage for the toilet has to be conected to the one of the house and its approximately 30ft. If anybody could give me an idea of the cost i would appreciate it

Is a beam or analytical balance affected by gravity?

yes, as they measure Weight not mass, weight is basically your mass* the force of gravity, so taking a beam or analytical balance on the moon would show a different way from on earth, Also other thigns that can affect them are humidity, Air pressure.

How can i beat Lance on pokemon soul silver?

You have a good pokemon team. If you want to beat lance, you have to make your strategy based on type advantage because dragon type pokemon have high health and defense so it might be good to double the power of your attacks. Flaffy is good for his water type pokemon while gyarados is good for the dragon pokemon since it knows blizzard and dragon rage. I personally beat him by type advantage. It is a good strategy for his pokemon! I hope that helped and good luck with your battle ;)

What happens if you can't pay your negative Paypal balance?

My friend loaned me some money,but then she took it back and I have a negative balance now that I can't afford to pay off right away. What is the most Paypal could do?

Pokemon: My best theory about single & double battles for the perfect team. Tell me yours if you have one?

Abilities are the trick for this team. Sap sipper, Flash fire, Dry skin, Volt absorb, Marvel scale, and Wonder guard to block out super effective attacks to make it a positive Sawsbuck, Arcanine, Toxicroak, Jolteon, Milotic, and Shedinja. Sawsbuck is a very unique pokemon with its normal type combination that makes the first grass type with a strong normal STAB. It holds a big root and has the moves jump kick, horn leech, double edge, and megahorn. Normal types are pretty good type fore any pokemon. If a pure grass is facing a fire type, it would be beat. You can kill it with a grass duel type and take it out with a STAB double edge. Focus band on shedinja with moves x Scissor, shadow sneak, confuse ray, and aerial ace. It is prefect to try to take out strong pokemon if you partner it up with toxicroak that knows fake out. Milotic marvel scale ability will activate when arcanine burn it with lava plume. Milotic will hold a leftovers and have the moves water pulse, aqua ring, ice beam, and recover. My basic strategy is pulling one back in to can cancel out the super effective attack or the regular attack. Arcanine will know heat waves to heat both of the other persons pokemon plus the strength of flash fire. What do you think of mine and tell me about yours.

In my opinion leadoff hitters in baseball have NO DAM business hitting home runs do you agree?

If they are going to hit home runs (Curtis Granderson for example) they need to move out of the DAM leadoff spot!

Were the joints/blunts laced with another drug?

I think you blacked out from lack of oxygen it happened to me once I hit my bong really hard(like I always do) and went to stand up to get a soda while holding it in and got a feeling of falling back even though I wasnt then everything started to go black and I couldnt hear anything really like you said and I fell forward and went unconscious I was only on the ground for probably 30 seconds max but it was crazy. I have seen this happen to people taking "knifers" of hash. I was smoking for many years daily before this happened and had seen people do it but never thought it would happen to me.

What's the difference between a hot spot and a mantle plume? How do they relate to each other?

Technically, the mantle plume is what creates the hot spot in the crust. That's the difference. They are not the same thing.

Prologue for my novel, opinions welcome - answer please.?

I really love it except for one thing: the dialogue is a little hard to follow. Make it more clear who is talking when. Other than that, I really love it!

Soul Silver Elite four help?

When I did it I only had to use my Feraligatr, Lugia, and Snorlax. I would recommend leveling at least three pokemon to lv. 50 or higher.

Training exercise or drill?

develope one training exercise or drill to improve in each of the six skill-related areas: agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time and speed. Remember that one of the characteristics of a good personal trainer is to understand their clients and their clients' needs. Describe the physical challenges your client will encounter (such as strength for rock climbing, balance for skiing, or speed in running for a client recovering from a sprain or broken bone) and explain specific areas of skill-related fitness they need to improve. State whether this is the extreme challenge, summer vacationer or rehabilitation client. Be sure to develop drills and incorporate training principles that will meet the needs of the client you choose for your project option.

Spankings? what do you think?

I think there isn't a black and white answer when it comes to spanking. For some kids, it is the wrong way to approach certain children because of the children's personalities. For other kids, they sometimes need a spanking. And it goes to parents also, some parents are capable of controlling themselves and give a spanking calmly without it turning to abuse, others aren't capable of that and will always spank too hard or let their anger get the better of them. So I think, spankings have to be looked at on an individual basis on both parents and childs temperament and personalities.

Is dustin pedroia for billingsly and a 4th round pick a fair trade?

i would do it. kinsler could fit into pedroia's spot, and then move butler to INF, and corey hart to util. You don't lose that much. and then you also gain a top pitcher and get to bump one of your bottom pitchers to the bench? sounds nice to me.

Where is the best place online to order feather hair extensions?

I really want feather hair extensions. Grizzly, solid, singles, plumes, kits, variety packs, etc. Where can I order them?

I'm confused. Is an outside hitter supposed to start their approach inside or outside the court?

An outside hitter should always start from the outside. From there, you should be able to see the block and hit either sharp angle, through the seam, or rip line :) From my personal experience, if you start inside, it's easier for you to get blocked, you can start your approach from the inside, but you always want to have those different hitting options to be a very efficient OH.

Could I have some suggestions for improvement ?

OK! For ALL to understand, how it goes: When a poet composes in long verses (like here) It is impossible to keep a proper meter. Either you will sacrifice upon small words, or upon syntax or you will diminish the length of verse. I 'd rather have an inconsistent meter, than sacrificing the philosophy it may include. The English language can be very expressive in a multi dimensional way, but still, the usage of meter is difficult, that's why many poets write "free verse poetry". French is different because all words are toned upon the ultimate syllable, so you can meter in no time. Do not spend a whole lot of time to correct it, I like it. Many works sound like a recounting of a story.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Should I restart my pokemon white game?

The reason i am asking this is because i feel like i chose the wrong starter which is snivy and i chose the wrong fossil which was the plume fossil when i wanted the cover fossil so can anybody trade me an oshawott egg so i can get an oshawott and is there still a way to get tirtouga and by the way i have beaten the elite four but i havent faced the champion yet plz help me and if you have an oshawott egg tell me your friend code and tell me which pokemon you want for it

Compare the ways that water balance is maintained by cartilaginous fishes and bony fishes.?

Compare the ways in which water balance is maintained by cartilaginous fishes (sharks, skates and rays) and bony fishes – the two main groups of marine fish

I am making a full bath out of a half, how do I move the toilet away from the wall to fit the shower?

I am wondering how difficult it is to move a toilet drain as well as the sink and install a shower. I would likely remodel the entire space replacing flooring and the walls. How much would it cost to have a plumber do this kind of work. As some one who has not done a lot of pluming work is it something I should not try to do myself? I would like to do as much of the work myself as I can to lower my cost. If I can avoid any contractor help I will. Any suggestions or helpful comments would be greatly appreciated.

Should religion be taught in schools?

Absolutely not ... Which religion would you want taught ? If you want your child to be taught a religion in school , you send them to a private religious school .

I want to lose weight by eating only a few healthy foods. Any suggestions?

I weigh 140 pounds and I am 5 feet 1 inch tall. I have 3 months before a family reunion and I'd like to look and feel better. I've been exercising 4-5 x per week. I have already lost 7 pounds. My question is this..what FEW foods do you recommend for me to eat that are healthy, VERY quick and easy to prepare, and I could alternate eating several times per week and have a completely healthy balanced diet? I really want to be able to buy only a few kinds of foods in bulk and stick to them as long as possible. Any suggestions?

Should I trade Jose Bautista for Adrian Gonzalez, Jay Bruce, and Roy Halladay?

In my fantasy baseball league, an opponent is dieing for Jose Bautista. He is one of, if not the, best hitters in baseball. The only players of his I want are Adrian Gonzalez, Jay Bruce, one more position player of my choice. And then Roy Halladay. What are you thoughts? Am I foolish to give up such a great hitter?

Should I accept this fantasy baseball trade?

This is a good trade for u b/c hitters r mor important because they play everyday also u can trade or drop garza along the way

Cubs fans: Does Mike Quade moving Starlin Castro to the #3 spot piss you off?

Let's face it, he's been bad as a #3 hitter this year. .245 average! He's hit .369 as the leadoff hitter, and .375 as the #2!! Yet Quade keeps trying to put him back at #3(as he's done the last 2 games), and he continues to struggle there. Why does he do this? Does Quade not realize that Castro is a #2 hitter at this point in his career? What is wrong with this idiot? It really pisses me off that he can't just put Castro in one spot and leave him there.

Fukashima Radioactive Plume is already air born in the world. What happens if it gets funnel into a hurricane?

how the plum spreads up to the Northern hemisphere then travels to the north atlantic ocean this getting into the a more compact form in a hurricane please reply i might be wrong but it does make sense they are blacking this out of the media if you search about the fukashima plant mostly all of the post are from march not now!

Trying to put together a cheaper version of this outfit. any ideas?

Should I try snowboarding?

I am going to the snow soon and in the passed I have always skiied. I am an alright skier, but I really want to try snowboarding. I have 5 days to ski/board and I was wondering if it would be worth it boarding. I have really good balance and am pretty athletic, and 13 years old. So I can imagine being pretty bad day 1, and 2, by day three do you think I will be any better and actually get a day or two of actual boarding, or will it be 5 days of fall, get up, fall, get up, fall, get up, take chair lift to top, fall, get uo etc.? Thank you! xox

Will vertigo symptom go away due to withdrawl from zoloft & lithium?

I am on zoloft and lithium for my depression/anxiety. I was not able to make it to my doctors appt. due to my schedule and financial issues (I didnt have anymore refills left). I am having horrible withdrawl symptoms such as: crying spells, anxiety, being sleepy, weak, nausea, vertigo, etc. Whats bothering me the most is the vertigo. I have trouble walking at times and I stumble a lot. I cant look side to side or up and down without my balance being thrown off. Its getting harder for me to function especially at work. Will these symptoms go away? If yes, how soon? I will be going back to my doctor soon. Please help. Thanks.

Blacking out while on minocycline?

i've just started taking minocycline for acne on my face for two days. i also apply edpiduo cream on my face several minutes before i go to bed. i take one minocycline antibiotic when i wake up and another several hours before bed (since you can't lie down after taking it). i do eat a snack before each pill (my dermotologist requested i do so) and swallow it with plenty of water. this morning (the third day i will be on minocycline) i woke up with terrible stomach pains/nausea. i decided to get up after dealing with the pain by lying in bed for half an hour. i got up slow, looked in the mirror, saw i was extremely pale, and then blacked out. i managed to lie down before i completely lost my balance. once i laid down, the ringing in my ears was awful for several minutes. this has happened to me once before a while ago, but i wasn't on any antibiotics or anything. for now, i'm going to drink like a fish and still take the pill; however, if any new side effects occur, i'm calling my derm. i'm unsure wether the ringing in my ears (since that is a specific side effect listed on the bottle) or blacking out is from the drug, or if it's from some stomach bug. has anyone who took minocycline had this problem? thanks for your feedback!

How to fight? for a girl?

okay so like i know the basics. i know to punch them and stuff, but like...what are some moves i could try? my sister always told me to punch the person in the jaw because its a one hitter-quitter. and i know to slam their face into my knee, but what else can i do? thanks!!

Okay Baseball Fans time to Rate your Favorite team first Half?

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Baseball questions and advice?

Alright well for the hitting thing, that's just baseball happens to everyone. You'll get those little dinkers that fall in for hits and also those will eventually start falling in also. For the fielding just repetition repetition repetition will be the only thing. The more that you continue on working at that part of your game the more confidence you get and the better you are. While pitching wear a jacket and put it on your arm, so that it stays warm, if that doesn't work get a band and do exercises between half innings to keep it loose. Your arm is always gonna be a little sore after you pitch, it's just called having a tired and used arm. Ice it that's all you can do. For stamina you run long distances but also short sprints in quantity since you're also a shortstop.

What are some crucial exercises for baseball players?

During the off season. Are there some strength training exercises that are crucial for pitchers and hitters?

My bank is being weird help!???!?

I have US bank. And it says my account balance is 0.30 cents. But it says I have 57 dollars in check card authorizations. But in the avalible balance says -57.56. SOmething like that. But it said my account balance yesterday was 57 dollars with 0.30 avalible. With check card authorizations of 57 dolaars. So can someone please tell me whats going on. Am I gonna be in trouble for this or something.

Collection agencies affect?

My sister had a negative balance on paypal and had to pay them back which she did and had one final payment to go to which she found out they passed onto a collecting agency, they didn't even tell her about the 45 day rule and she was paying her debt really quickly. Anyway she paid the collection agency when they requested but would it affect her credit score she's so young and I didn't know this was going on I would've paid everything but she hides serious things. Does she need a written letter from them as proof? I don't want her o have a bad credit score because she is so smart with her money. Btw she used a debit card if that matters.

Do current events sometimes spark your muse?

Would the ash be regret afterward for getting angry? Anger is sometimes OK if it's appropriate. It's a survival mechanism. It's when anger isn't appropriate for the situation or in its degree that it's like the destructive of a volcano. It also can be appropriate and be like a volcano that destroys what's contrasurvival.

Rate my team for Heartgold?

Overall i would give you team about an 8/10. It's very well set out and you don't seem to have any major weaknesses. Your moves are also quite well set out, should be able to conquer almost any type. Nicely trained as well although a few more levels on you Typhlosion wouldn't have hurt. Overall very well done.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Are some people in the US taking initiative and moving across the Atlantic to escape the radiation plumes?

The impending radiation plumes from Japan? If there's a meltdown in 1 or all 6 of the reactors, upper level winds will carry the radiation straight into the United States.

Anyone else stuck with the bum Uggla?

When I drafted Uggla I thought I was getting one of the best players at a thin position. Turns out he's the worst hitter in the league total bust. What do you think is wrong with him and is it time to drop him?

How much would I get for this?

if i had to guess judging on trade in values id called an asked about for my games id say all of it would get you a little under 50 bucks or mabey theyd give u a bonus since u got allot of stuff i recommend calling the store or go there with a list it works for me

Are the birds singing to you this morning? C/C?

A Corvid fan m'self (Hence Rayven) and equally NOT a fan o' bluejays, the song of which you write is a welcome fanfare trumpeting in my absolute personal favorite season...Spring! A welcome one at that!

What is that flexible pipe I saw used on Holmes on Homes to replace interior copper piping called?

I was watching HGTV a wile back and Holmes on Homes came on. In this home he had to run all new plumbing inside the home and used this piping that kinda looked like a garden hose but of course it wasn't. Now I'm in a situation where I may need to run a new hot water line in my house to replace an old one. I'm getting no hot water to my master bath (probably a blockage) and the pipes are so old I'm afraid that if I have an acid treatment done it'll just eat through already worn parts of the pipe. I'm fairly good with plumbing connecting new pluming fixtures & repairing lines, as compared to the average home owner that is. My main problem is knowing what to buy to begin with. After that I'm usually ok.

Do people in the US. really Need to worry about Radiation plumes from the Fukishima Reactors?

There's no need to be worried about the radiation affecting your health at all. They're really only worried about places within 50 miles of the reactors. I strongly discourage you from using iodine and stuff, because it will probably damage your body, and there's no need to anyway. We're too far away for it to be a danger to us.

Does Evan Longoria remind you of a young Eric Chavez?

I think the similarities are palpable in that they're both great defenders at 3B, both considered young franchise players, both are good power hitters, and have a similar body build.

What size ballet leotard do I need?

I would defenitly go with medium. Ur average height and 19yo. Medium should fit u very well. Im around ur height but 34b and I wear small or medium protease for my dance class. Also check the return policy just in case it doesn't fit u can return it:).

How can i get better at my full liberty for cheer?i really need help!?

I was trying to go up into an extension liberty but i kept falling is it that i need to balance or i need more leg muscle what are some ideas for me to get really good at full liberties

Pokemon SoulSilver Elite 4 help?

i would do a little more training (victory road maybe) and for the two other slots lugia mabey (if you got him) and a legendary dog may enti he would be my pic of the two. also after every battle save so if you lose you don't have to go back to the start of the Elite 4 and the other revive revive revive.

How do I balance my friendships and my romantic relationship?

Hang with your friend on the weekdays and BF on the weekend. Better your friend feeling neglected then your BF feeling neglected. Try setting up your friend with someone. Maybe a friend of your BFs then the 4 of you can go out together.

What football position should I play?

Im 13, 5 foot 7, I have great hands, okay at blocking, decent hitter, good arm, kinda fast but Was faster til I had knee surgery, and I have to get 2 more.

Next Pokemon to add to my team in SS?

You should get your Typhlosion up 2 more levels and teach him Flamethrower and get rid of Smokescreen, As for an Ice type pokemon, I recommend just swapping in Ice Beam for Body Slam on your Politoed.

How come I always let my friends take advantage of me?

Your friends find you an easy target to take be taken advantage of. Stand up for yourself and stop being a little too soft

Rate My Heartgold pokemon Team?

Typhlosion should have flamethrower over protect. Quagsire should be taken out and replaced with a better water, Gyarados with Dragon Dance, Waterfall, Surf, and Crunch. Togetic is good. Vaporean is good, just I'd switch it to a Fighting type. Any good Fighting type. Nidoking needs Earthquake. Ampharos needs Cotton Spore or whatever the speed lowering move is. 6/10 can be 9/10 with updates. Also lvl up.

Baseball bats to get?

I am 12 years old, an I want to know what is better: Demarini CF4, Easton Surge, or Demarini Voodoo? I am a power hitter, and am 3rd in the lineup.

Social security glitch, have I been overpaid?

I know no one can give me a definite answer. Back in March my daughter's father passed away, we were told that she would be entitled to a survivor benefit, which was okay. The weird part is, I was told also that since I was her primary care taker, I would get a benifit for myself as "child maitnece". Sort of their way of paying child support? I'm totally confused, because later, we were told that I would not be eligible because her father and I were not married. Everything was okay with that, I don't have a problem with it. We received our second payment on the 22nd of June, and I went to check my account balance again and it appears they paid me again today. It isn't back pay because we already received our "back pay" payment of about 1500 dollars. I'm just confused. Do they normally mess up and pay double in less than two weeks? I would call them and ask, but my daughter and I moved to the UK and as of right not I can't call an American number from a phone here. I can't find any information online either, I just don't want to get in trouble for using this money if they made a mistake. Or possibly the first person we talked to was right and I am getting benefits as well... Totally clueless.

What do you think of Cliff Lee getting 3 straight complete game shut out wins?

A ton of good words describe him, but here are some that really stand out ~ amazing, phenomenal, dominant, great and i'll stop here or else this answer will never end.

Abreu/Kotchman/Latos for U. Jimenez/M. Young?

Do it. Abreu and Kotchman are spare parts. You are certainly correct that Kotchman is not a .345 hitter long term.

Would this worse case scenario be possible?

If all the reactors would all explode and cause a very large plume of radiation and at the same time the wind stream comes thru,picks it up and blows high levels of it all of it right to the u.s.? Is that possible?

What string tension should i use?

I am buying a Wilson BLX pro tour, I'm 13 years old and varies in positions on the court but mostly I'm a baseline hitter. thank you please give me a range